
Celebrating 58 and Grateful: Give a Gift that Gives Back

Hello Family and Friends,

COVID impacted our efforts for Breathe International Missions Network in Kenya, but we’re working to regain our pre-pandemic impact. I have already made two trips in 2024 and plan another in October.

In March, we provided food, hygiene items, and school supplies. In April, we held a leadership workshop for rural pastors. In July, we’ll conduct an outreach for widows and orphans, followed by more training and support in October.

We need your help. While one-time donations are appreciated, we need committed monthly partners. Just 25 people giving $25 per month can significantly impact the lives of widows and orphans.

In honor of my 58th birthday, please consider donating $5.80, $58, or $580 to Breathe International Missions Network. My goal is to raise $5,800. Let’s celebrate by changing lives together, one person at a time.

Breathe International is a US nonprofit supporting widows, at-risk students, veterans, and leaders. Our NGO in Kenya focuses on widow care, orphan education, and pastoral training.